THE BIG STUPID README: Bugs and frequently-asked questions VIDEO CONFLICTS =============== ATi Mach 32 video cards: The Big Stupid uses sophisticated graphic display technology (LZANI.DLL/JPANI.DLL) which has been reliable on virtually every other type of video card but this one. Some Mach 32 owners report that after an undetermined length of time viewing The Big Stupid, Windows Help crashes and the only way it will restart is by restarting Windows. This is only one of many such bugs with ATi video cards. Under normal use of The Big Stupid this will not happen very often, if ever. Crashing Winhelp does not appear to affect any other software running on the system *unless* the system is not configured properly to begin with. We have discovered some poorly configured or overworked systems which crash Windows 3.1/3.11 completely when the Winhelp bug appears. If you have any doubts about your system, make sure you close all other programs before starting The Big Stupid. Other video cards: One particular problem you may experience is not being able to see hotspots on your monitor in color. Some video cards do not display Windows Help hotspots properly at resolutions higher than 256 colors. Reduce your color depth and this should solve the problem. UNEXPECTED EXITS ================ For as-yet undetermined reasons, you may discover that The Big Stupid shuts down unexpectedly if you close File Manager while The Big Stupid is running. We have no fix for this at this time. It appears to relate to a problem with the way Windows Help launches the software. UNINSTALLING THE BIG STUPID =========================== If the enclosed selective uninstaller refuses to function properly on your system, the entire package can be removed by erasing the directory where you installed The Big Stupid. All that should be left behind are a 5k DLL file called WINSIZE2.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and any .ANN annotation files and .BMK bookmark files you may have created within The Big Stupid. CAN'T FIND THE WEB BROWSER ========================== SETBROWS.EXE will not always find your Web browser, or else you may find that clicking Virtual Entertainment buttons load the wrong browser. You can correct this problem by selecting another browser for The Big Stupid to use by running the SETBROWS.EXE utility in The Big Stupid's installation directory. REDISTRIBUTION POLICY ===================== Only those disks or contents of directories clearly marked SHAREABLE or SHAREWAR can be freely distributed to others. All other parts of the package are for use only by licensed First Train users. Archived copies of the free utilities included with First Train can be obtained from links on our Web site. When redistributing any of the software in this package, you must distribute EITHER the entire contents of a directory OR the complete, unaltered file supplied. If you only distribute parts of it, the software may not work properly and we may be bothered by complaints from people who have not purchased software or the right to support. Please respect these simple requirements. You may not redistribute the included CD-ROM installer (if included) as part of the software unless you have a registered license to Install/Easy (c)1996 Kurt Herzog and the permission of the author of the software you wish to redistribute to do so.